That’s one way to do it: answer a Colorado stateswoman with the archetype Colorado stateswoman. “Thanks, Pat!” Release follows.
Polis unveils new TV ad featuring former Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schroeder
CONTACT: Robert Becker (303) 381-0121Statement from Robert Becker, campaign manager, Polis for Congress:
“In the midst of Joan Fitz-Gerald’s ongoing, desperate personal attacks against both Jared Polis and Will Shafroth, we are proud to release our latest TV ad featuring legendary former Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schroeder.”
Pat Schroeder: I’m Pat Schroeder, and I used to represent Colorado in Congress. I’ve known Jared Polis for fifteen years and he has a heart as big as our state. He took the money he made in business and used it to help people – opening a school for homeless children, giving grants to great teachers. What makes Jared stand out is his ability to get things done and to make a real difference. If anyone can shake things up in Washington, it’s Jared Polis.
Jared Polis: I’m Jared Polis and I approve this message. Thanks, Pat.
Click link to view ad:…
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Not good. Particularly the “thanks Pat!”
still waiting for a good TV spot from Jared.
some of his talking with voters ads. (And the “uncovered” health care ad was a hoot, it’s too bad that ran before there was a real context for the campaign.)
You don’t think those work?
for a guy who made his trillions being innovative his spots have been boring political ad boilerplate. but then again, he shouldn’t be trying to hit me anyway, he should be trying to win over the Adams Co couch potatoes. So maybe they work
This should help Jared. Any word on whether Mike Rosen has weighed in with his opinion on this? He’s so fond of Pat!
…but the Pat ad is a coup……and if Mike Rosen disagrees, the point is confirmed.
Really? She’s attacking Shafroth?
That’s a flat-out lie and Becker knows it.
He’s dragging the Polis campaign into the same territory as the McCain campaign, and it’s very very disappointing. Polis had a deserved, good reputation before this campaign but Becker is trashing it.
Featured on the main page of JFG website:…
if that counts as “desperate personal attacks.”
But thanks for responding!
making stuff up again…
Joan thrashes Will on her own website, here..…
Pointing out Shafroth worked for a — gasp! — Republican governor of California counts as thrashing?
I’m beginning to wonder if Polis can stand up to the heat in Congress at all. “Hurry! Issue a press release immediately! Someone looked at me cross-wise!”
It’s Polis’s reputation you guys are damaging. Hope it’s worth it.
come on, patti……you didn’t live in Colorado even when you represented it…..passing through for a handful of years………..and then 22 years in DC…
Underneath those teeth, patti always had a very patronizing attitude towards Coloradans…..she had great constituency services…I liked her legislation…particularly Family Medical Leave….but “our state?”……she phoned it in.
but her constituent services were top notch and she did a pretty good kob fighting through the BRACs at a time when denver didn’t make sense as a defense priority.
FMLA on of the best laws in a generation–now if companies were just prosecuted for trying to prevent you from using it.
I ran into Pat Schoeder many times during the 22 years she served in Congress, and not just in my official capacity. I have a home in capitol hill and often bumped into her just on the streets. Obviously, the job involves a lot of time in Washington, but she was almost obsessive in terms of stying in touch with the district. I ran into her at friends birthday parties, at community events and once when I was repairing my deck she happened to walk by and we chatted over the fence. I don’t think I ever saw a politician work harder to stay in touch with her folks.
I am not a local celeb or on the staff of the Post, so maybe I missed her appearances……where did she live in the District?
Didn’t she share an address with Gary Hart????? I can’t remember…but you tell us….
And when she chose not to run again, she came home to Colorado???
The use of “our” state is patronizing… IMHO….to which I am entitled…
She has no roots in “our” state No big deal. She should have said “colorado” and not “our state.
..yes, I can tell how it’s no big deal to you. Your entire rant is based on her using “our state” v. “Colorado.” And she can’t use “our state” to mean “Colorado” because, although she represented Colorado in Congress for many many years, you didn’t see her personally enough and she doesn’t live here now. Yes, that’s reasonable.
Leave me alone you guys…..I had a gut reaction to an political ad…I have been in the state fifty years…that is how it came across to me…
I feel I have a responsibility to react honestly and post those reactions as an aid to the Democratic effort…
BE used Schroeder’s personal appearances in his backyard as proof that she lived in Colorado..
I merely asked for her Colorado address while she was serving in congress…
BE and I both lived in CD1 which she represented….neither of us, I think, live in CD2…where the fight is…
Doug Lamborn
Jared Polis
Dianna DeGette
Marilyn Musgrave
Are the clear favorites to be Members of Congress in January 2009. The Colorado delegation lunches should be fun.
No. That’s not true.
Also, you forgot Eddie Perlmutter, John Salazar, and Mike Coffman. Change Marilyn to Betsey, and I’d agree with you.
Perlmutter, Salazar and Coffman are boring so they were not listed.
Lamborn, Polis, DeGette and Musgrave are going to be fun to watch as they try to work together.
Musgrave as she always does will scorch the earth and win by a narrow margin.
…or has someone swooped in to take the “clear favorite” status from John Salazar? Lordy!
….everything else is spin. This is an amazing score for Polis. My god this is huge…where is my spritz?……..
I love to see you Liberals taking bites out of each other.
Problem is, Polis or Fitz-Gerald who is worse for Colorado. You know the Republican will not win this seat.
I would rather have Polis at least he may not be able to be bought by special interest groups… but who knows as you Liberals say the Rich are Bad People!
I bet Polis will not be willing to give all his money to the poor. Joan will have no problem taxing the people to give it to the poor and illegals in Universal Health Care, Welfare, and other Liberal Give-A-Way Programs.
Ok, than answers it I’m for Polis! LOL,LOL,LOL
needs a hug.
…taking the entire bottle at once doesn’t make the world a nicer place. Trust me, I know.
I’m sure you and I firmly believe in the same things.
However, that said, the “darlin” and “sweetie” gimmick really, truly makes your posts sound condescending.
..after all, I was talking to “sjintheknow,” you know? How else does one speak to an intellectual dwarf like him/her?
And I’m sorry if being polite is out of place here, but my mama raised me right.
but calling someone “an intellectual dwarf”
ain’t “being polite.”
In this case, however, it is accurate, even if it does get you in trouble with the vertically challenged community.
….my mama sent me to finishing school for nothing. Luckily, she’s easier to mollify than before (just a dash of tonic with her morning gin….)
That’s your own fault. There was a moderate Republican by the name of Bob Greenlee (former mayor of Boulder) who came within a percentage point or two of beating Mark Udall in CD 2 in ’98.
The district was drawn a little differently then, if you guys ran the right (or should I say centrist) Republican, it would be competitive.
Even today, 2nd is winnable for the RIGHT Republican. I wrote this May 31:
That brings us to the 2nd, which, unlike the other two, is far from a one-party district. Democrats have just 34 percent of the
registered voters. That’s just 6 points above the Republican tally and 4 points below the 38 percent of unaffiliated swing voters. The last time the 2nd CD had a race without an incumbent, Eldorado Springs conservative Mark Udall edged moderate Boulder Republican Bob Greenlee by just two points.
(Dear 911 operator, please send an ambulance to Republican chairman Dick Wadhams’ home. He undoubtedly went into cardiac arrest the instant he saw a reference to Udall that didn’t label him a
“Boulder liberal.”)
0A strong R campaign behind a moderate like Greenlee after a bitterly divisive primary like this one is turning into could win the 2nd. But as they say about the Palestinians, this year the Colorado Republican Party “never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
It’s theoretically possible, as Greenlee demonstrated, but the district went 58 percent for Kerry in 2004. Doesn’t sound like a swing district to me. That’s the same margin the 4th gave Bush that year, but 2nd District reps have never engendered the vehement opposition Musgrave earns.
The other factor, only good for another election, is that the 2nd now includes vast tracts that were recently represented by Scott McInnis and Bob Schaffer, as well as subdivision after subdivision indistinguishable from formerly Beauprez territory across the street.
But if the Republicans “never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity” in the 7th, when Perlmutter could have been vulnerable after a single term, what are the chances they’d spend any money on the 2nd?
is that right now the Rs just aren’t developing the kind of strong moderate candidates that could win in districts like 2. That has more to do with the GOP’s shift to the right generally than the specifics of 2nd CD. Winning campaigns begin with candidate recruitment and development. And after 40 years of dominating the stage, the Colorado GOP is, at least temporarily, in disarray.
but Colorado’s been a pretty healthy two-party state for most of the last 40 years, Bob. There were 24 uninterrupted years of Democratic governors, plus another four underway now, and a fairly even split in the Congressional delegation, and even one Democrat, one Republican in the Senate for most of that time (except four years with Haskell and Hart, and the stretch after Campbell switched parties). It’s true the Republicans dominated the Legislature, but that’s not the whole ball of wax. it was really just 1998-2004 that fit your description.
Because with 100 seats personality matters less. Colorado, though it votes for term limits, loves incumbents. Lamm began his 12 year reign with Watergate at his back. Romer ran a strong campaign with a weak opponent to get his own 12-year term. The GOP hegemony started to break with the first in 40 years Democratic capture of the Senate in 2000, and all heck broke loose in 2004 when Ds captured both chambers of lege for first time since 1960. Ritter finally won the first D hat trick since Steve McNichols in 1958. For 40 years, Democratic wins were the exception, Republican domination the rule. Who knows, maybe the Republicans just couldn’t stand prosperity, but given that they still have a registration edge of 130k or so, it seems more like internal GOP warfare and domination by the religious right and anti-gummint crazies like Doug Bruce just finally turned the critical independent vote against the Rs.
So…..CD 4 went for Bush in ’04 by a comparable margin but that didn’t stop Angie Paccione, financial/credit warts and all, from coming within 3% of toppling Musty in ’06.
Republicans are just lazy. They’d rather focus on running expensive primaries in non-competitive districts like CD 5 and 6 where there’s a good chance that the GOP nominee can hold the seat come Nov.
The point was, Musgrave has riled up the opposition. Wirth, Skaggs and Udall didn’t (and that included stretches when the district was even more of a swing district than it is now).
no R could win CD-2 this year. No way, no how. In other years, sure. Eldorado Moderate Udall himself has said this. In the right time, yes. But this year is not that time. The R’s will lose previously “safe” seats all over the country this year, as they’ve shown throughout the smattering of special elections so far.
It’s Eldorado Springs Conservative Mark Udall. And it’s Wadhams in intensive care every time you write that.
game, set and match for Polis.
This is a MAJOR coup for Polis and pretty much sews up the race for him.
wow, do you seriously believe this?
Pat Schroeder is to Colorado Democratic Primary voters what Ronald Reagan is to Republican primary voters.
Her endorsement is very, very powerful. This is the first time that I am aware of her lending her voice and doing an ad in a Colorado primary since leaving office.
This is a MAJOR coup.
but not even close to decisive. Voters in so high profile a race aren’t much swayed by endorsements.
…imagine that.
when I read a comparison between Pat and Ronnie. If I had any money I’d pay for the exit polling question:
a- do you know who Pat Schroeder is?
(my guess = Y=25%/N=75%)
You’re assuming that a high proportion of the 45K primary voters are going to be wired enough to: a- know who Pat is; b- know enough about her to care whom she endorsed.
Sorry, I just don’t see it.
These primary voters never heard of her? And they’re Dems?! Damn, and here I was thinking that the 2nd CD voters weren’t dumb as rocks. Some significant re-wiring is apparently in order. Anybody know a good electrician?
What do you think is the proportion of new voters — new to the state and grown old enough to vote — in the 2nd since 1994? Not to mention the rest, who don’t retain all things political for 15 years.
Let’s put it another way. If Dan Schaefer did an ad for one of the 6th District Republicans, do you think it would have that big of an impact? Or are those voters “dumb as rocks” too?
..yes, Dan and Pat are on equal par in a Democratic primary in the Denver metro area. I must concede the power of that equation, especially when one considers how poorly educated the voters of the 2nd CD typically are. Oh, wait………
and Schaefer was as well regarded by metro area Republicans as Schroeder was by Democrats.
You missed why a Schaefer ad would have such an impact, though. Or were too polite to mention it.
…yet somehow I missed commenting on the scorching power of a potential Dan Schaefer ad. But also I was too polite as well! Furthermore, as to whether the Republican primary voters in Colorado are as dumb as rocks, I can neither confirm nor deny that fact, but I have my suspicions given whom they’ve elected. You may think them genius, and if you do you’re entiled to that opinion.
Is that even legal – maybe she could have been paid a consulting fee? Anyone know if Schroeder was paid for the endorsement ? the campaign’s public filings eventually.
Of course Pat wasn’t paid to film the commercial. She’s enthusiastically backing Polis, same as Roy Romer is behind Fitz-Gerald and Federico Pena is supporting Shafroth.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Polis made a substantial contribution to one of Pat’s favorite charities, though.